바이올린 4권 1장 - 자이츠, 협주곡 2번 G장조, 작품 13, 3악장.- Seitz 1

Category: 4+5권 / Books 4+5

Violin School, vol. 4, No. 1:
Friedrich Seitz, Concerto No. 2 in G Major, Op. 13, 3rd Mvt.
Play Along in 3 Tempi

Edited by Kerstin Wartberg

Rudolf Gaehler, violin
David Andruss, piano

This article contains a play along set with MP3 files in high quality and sheet music with instructions:

  • Tuning notes
  • Slow practice tempo (violin and piano)
  • Medium practice tempo (piano accompaniment)
  • Performance tempo (violin and piano)
  • Performance tempo (piano accompaniment)
  • Preparatory exercise