듣기 - 바이올린 1A권 (14분)

Category: 듣기 - Listening

MP3 files and Videos
Suitable for violin students using STEP BY STEP, vol. 1A and also for Suzuki students in book 1.


Dear parents,
Here you will find very different possibilities for your child to listen to the music of Volume 1A.
The MP3 at the bottom of the page is a mix of different pieces and exercises.

In addition you will find videos to watch, but also to join in. Movement exercises accompanied by music encourage you to actively listen. We wish you and your child a lot of fun.

And here comes a really fantastic news: 
After years of effort, we have finally been able to purchase the license for all of Suzuki's compositions:

  • Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (Variations and Theme)
  • Allegro  
  • Perpetual Motion (you'll find it in Listening 1B)
  • Allegretto (in Listening 1B)
  • Andantino (in Listening 1B)
  • Etude (in Listening 1B)


Contents of the two attached MP3 files

No. 1: The duration of the MP3 file "LISTENING 1A" is 14 minutes
and contains the main pieces and exercises of Step by Step, volume 1A:

  • Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (Variations and Theme)
  • The Bell-Tone Scale
  • Lightly Row
  • The Grasshopper Exercise
  • Song of the Wind
  • Snow and Wind on the A String
  • Go Tell Aunt Rhody
  • Oh Come, Little Children
  • The First Finger-Dance – an Exercise for All Four Fingers
  • May Song
  • Long, Long Ago
  • Thunderstorm 
  • Allegro

No. 2: The duration of the MP3 file "Twinkle 3x" is 12 minutes 
and contains all Variations and the Theme of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.
The entire piece is played three times in a row.
You can use this audio file for listening, but also for rhythm, bow hold or posture exercises.

Rudolf Gaehler, violin
David Andruss, piano and piano arrangements for all recorded pieces


Listen to Allegro
Group Performance by students of the Falls Baptist Music School under the direction of Elizabeth Zempel

Allegro from NTSTE on Vimeo.



In addition to the audio file, you can watch the video together with your child and join in the movements right away.

Contents of the Video
0:14 Lightly Row
1:23 Song of the Wind
2:39 Go Tell Aunt Rhody
3:43 O Come, Little Children
5:03 May Song

Arjada Hasanaj, presenter
Young children enjoy moving around when they hear music. They feel energy, life, joy, and playfulness. Teachers should encourage this desire and include these activities during their teaching. Research has shown that the connection between body movement, rhythm and awareness is beneficial to the development during the whole childhood, which includes not only thinking and feeling, but also motoric abilities.

More information about the Step by Step series you find here:


Enjoy a Complete Warm Up
with music from the first half of Suzuki Violin 🎻 Book 1 = Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star - Allegro
Ready to start with Guillem Calvo?



The Importance of Daily Listening


Young violin students, learning with the Mother Tongue Approach, should listen to their music of the every day. In this way, young children learn the musical language naturally and unconsciously and will develop an awareness for beautiful tone, clear rhythm, proper intonation, and musical expressiveness from the very beginning. This ear training is the most important prerequisite for learning new pieces in the first years of lessons. Always remember the principle of learning to speak. Without being literally bathed in speech, learning the mother tongue would be impossible. And just as with language, your child need not always listen attentively. The music can be played in the background as he plays, baths, eats, or rides in the car.

More information you find here:

© Deutsches Suzuki Institut, Kerstin Wartberg


Due to copyright restrictions, the following audio files are only streamable.