듣기 - 바이올린 2B권 (15분)

Category: 듣기 - Listening

MP3 file and video with animal and nature clips

Suitable for violin students using STEP BY STEP, vol. 2B and also for Suzuki students in book 2.


Main pieces of Step by Step, volume 2B:

00:01     Let Us All Be Happy Now, Kerstin Wartberg
01:11     Theme from "Witches’ Dance," N. Paganini
02:10     Butterfly and Elephant, Kerstin Wartberg
02:50     Gavotte from "Mignon," A. Thomas
04:55     Hungarian Song, Arr. David Andruss
05:40     Gavotte, J.B. Lully
07:20     Wave Song, Kerstin Wartberg
08:03     Minuet, L. van Beethoven
10:50     Minuet, L. Boccherini


Rudolf Gaehler, violin
David Andruss, piano and piano arrangements
Kerstin Wartberg, author of the Step by Step series

More information about the Step by Step series you find here:


The Importance of Daily Listening

Young violin students, learning with the Mother Tongue Approach, should listen to their music of the every day. In this way, young children learn the musical language naturally and unconsciously and will develop an awareness for beautiful tone, clear rhythm, proper intonation, and musical expressiveness from the very beginning. This ear training is the most important prerequisite for learning new pieces in the first years of lessons.

Always remember the principle of learning to speak. Without being literally bathed in speech, learning the mother tongue would be impossible. And just as with language, your child need not always listen attentively. The music can be played in the background as he plays, baths, eats, or rides in the car.

More information you find here:

© Deutsches Suzuki Institut

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