Category: Articles for Parents (English & Spanish)
Goodner, Christine: What you Practice Today is Not Important (eBook)
What you Practice Today is Not Important BUT WHO YOU BECOME ALONG THE WAY IS !
Lately I have been on a mission. A mission to help parents coach their children through practice with less conflict, better results and with the big picture in mind.
As a music teacher, I see this lack of big-picture thinking as a common theme when students and families are struggling with daily music practice.
It's so easy to get stuck in the day to day details and to forget why we are learning music in the first place.
When I ask readers of my blog about their biggest struggle, most often they say it is practice with their own children or getting the students and parents in their studio to practice effectively or consistently.
When I was a parent practicing with my own children, I struggled with the same thing. Usually it isn't the lessons, recitals or expense that is the biggest stumbling block to continuing with lessons long term. It's the daily grind of practicing.
Christine Goodner is a Suzuki Violin, Viola & Suzuki Early Childhood Education teacher in Hillsboro, OR. She started Suzuki violin at the age of three, has a 4 year degree in Education & has extensive teacher training through the SAA. Christine runs an active studio in Oregon and is currently serving as the President of the Oregon Suzuki Association. You can read more of her writing on her blog: and she is the author of the book: Beyond the Music Lesson: Habits of Successful Suzuki Families.
© International Music Teachers Exchange published with the kind permission of Christine Goodner