Jenny Macmillan, Piano Book 6 Recordings

Category: Piano Recordings by Jenny Macmillan


Jenny's Recordings

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Book 6, Advanced Pieces 2

  1. Jenny Macmillan - Two part Invention in F - Bach
  2. Jenny Macmillan - Little Prelude in C minor - Bach
  3. Jenny Macmillan - Prelude in G - Handel
  4. Jenny Macmillan - Andaluza - Granados
  5. Jenny Macmillan - Nocturne Op.54 No.4 - Grieg
  6. Jenny Macmillan - A Cheerful Journal - Kabalevsky
  7. Jenny Macmillan - Song without Words Op.30 No.6 - Mendelssohn
  8. Jenny Macmillan - Sonata in C K 330 1st movement - Mozart
  9. Jenny Macmillan - Sonata in C K 330 2nd movement - Mozart
  10. Jenny Macmillan - Sonata in C k 330 3rd movement - Mozart
  11. Jenny Macmillan - Sonata in C K 545 1st movement - Mozart
  12. Jenny Macmillan - Sonata in C K 545 2nd movement - Mozart
  13. Jenny Macmillan - Sonata in C K 545 3rd movement - Mozart
  14. Jenny Macmillan - Minuet in G - Paderewski
  15. Jenny Macmillan - Sonata in D minor - Scarlatti
  16. Jenny Macmillan - O Polichinello - Villa-Lobos

Click HERE for Slow Hands Separate Recordings

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