Video Collection No. 4: Medium = Suzuki 4-7 (English)
Category: Violin Video Tutorials by Kerstin Wartberg
No. 4.1: Recital Training - a source of Dr. Suzuki’s violin teaching concept
Recital Training, vol. 1 by Kerstin Wartberg represents specific instructions concerning individual pieces of the intermediate level, in both written and audio form. Volume 1 is suitable for students in Suzuki Book 4 and for students and teachers using other methods.
Published by Edition Peters (EP 11291)
1:06 Recital Training - Based on Shinichi Suzuki's practice material 1:35 Suzuki's quotes 3:00 Learning Phase, Shaping Phase, Performing Phase 3:35 Preparatory Exercises for the first Seitz Concerto in the book 4:46 Preparatory Exercises for the second Seitz Concerto in the book 5:50 Preparatory Exercises for the Vivaldi a Minor Concerto, first mov. 6:13 Preparatory Exercises for the Vivaldi a Minor Concerto, third mov. 7:05 Sound Exercise for the second Seitz Concerto in the book 7:40 Double Stops Exercise for the third Seitz Concerto in the book 10:17 Western Fiddler 11:17 The most important practice tempo (Seitz, Vivaldi) 12:27 The THREE-Tempo practice method 17:21 Preparatory Exercises from the Bach Concerto for 2 Violins, first mov. 22:05 Bohm, Perpetual Motion - How to find the right tempo? 24:44 Schubert, Lullaby 25:57 Humperdinck, Evening Prayer
No. 4.2: Enjoying Violin Technique - An Introduction
Dear violin students and teachers!
Inspired by many inquiries about whether "Enjoying Violin Technique" is also available as an eBook, I have now created my first eBook.
I hope that you will enjoy working with this eBook
and that it will help you
to make good use of your time at home
to improve your violin technique.
Here are some short exercise excerpts from
"Enjoying Violin Technique"
by Kerstin Wartberg
Intermediate Level:
Basic Exercises with Piano Arrangements by David Andruss
Volume 1
The first volume of Kerstin Wartberg’s violin technique series is directed towards intermediate violin students.
Almost 100 exercises, 75 with piano accompaniment, are grouped into 10 detailed sections:
1. One and Two Octave Scales & Arpeggios (1st – 6th positions)
2. Shifting Exercises (based on the Ševčík System)
3. Scales & Arpeggios on one String (based on the Flesch System)
4. Three Octave Scales & Arpeggios
5. Playing in High Positions
6. Intonation Exercises
7. Soundpoints
8. Vibrato
9. Basic Trill Exercises
10. Double Stops
Kindle eBook
In English
Instantly accessible worldwide via Amazon
_______________________________________________ Print Book, 80 pages, with CD & Digital Download
ISBN 978-3-946872 00 9
In English and German
No. 4.3: Enjoying Violin Technique - Play-Along Video
No. 4.4: "Paganini Motion" - A preparation for the Seitz Concertos in Vol. 4 / Recital Training, Vol. 1
In this video you see a short excerpt from our IMTEX Easter Cousres in Germany. Charles Krigbaum directs the teachers' group of Book 4:
They play "Paganini Motion" - here in the version for 3 violins.
The 2nd and 3rd parts are very easy and can be played by students in Books 1 and 2.
The 1rst part of Paganini Motion is a technical tune for beginning intermediate students. It is very helpful to prepare the Seitz Concertos in Book 4 and introduces seven basic exercises:
1. Trill preparation exercise
2. Up-bow staccato
3. Tiny bow strokes at the balance point with active fingers
4. Alternation between chords and single notes
5. String crossings at the tip, with accents on the melody notes
6. Triplets with slurs and quick string crossings
7. Fast Bowing with double stops
HERE you can download the sheet music from our IMTEX ONLINE MEDIA LIBRARY.
No. 4.4: Double Stop Exercises for violin students in Suzuki Book 4
Excerpt from the exercise book & CD “Recital Training”, vol. 1
By Kerstin Wartberg
Edition Peters (EP 11291)
Volume 1 is suitable for students in Suzuki Book 4 and for students and teachers using other methods.
Recital Training, vol. 1 represents specific instructions concerning individual pieces of the intermediate level, in both written and audio form.
Online Media Library for instant download:
Friedrich Seitz, Concerto No. 5 in D Major, Op. 22, 3rd Movement
Play Along in 3 Tempi
Edited by Kerstin Wartberg
HERE you can download a play along set of the Seitz concerto with MP3 files in high quality and sheet music (26,83 MB):
Tuning notes
Slow practice tempo (violin and piano)
Medium practice tempo (piano accompaniment)
Performance tempo (piano accompaniment)
Performance tempo (violin and piano)
Preparatory exercise 1
Preparatory exercise 2
Preparatory exercise 3
Preparatory exercise 4
Preparatory exercise 5
Sheet music
Rudolf Gaehler, violin
David Andruss, piano
No. 4.5: Shinichi Suzuki in Denmark: Finger flexibility
to achieve continuous development and increasing perfection of our ideas!"
Shinichi Suzuki
This is a BRIEF EXCERPT from a film of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, teaching at the first European Workshop in Denmark in 1981, when he was aged 83.
The greater part of this film material was contributed by Tove Detreköy and the Danish Suzuki Institute. In 2009 Kerstin Wartberg edited the film material for her teacher trainees and all interested Suzuki teachers.
No. 4.6: Enjoying Violin & Cello Technique - Basic Exercises with Piano Accompaniment
Three octave scales in C major
Here the point of concentrationfor the violinists was:
Be aware of the movements of your left arm, especially the elbow swinging.
Enjoying Violin & Cello Technique - Basic Exercises with Piano Accompaniment
No. 4.7: Intonation Exercise: The correct distances between fingers in different positions
The correct distances between fingers in the first til sixth positions:
"Once you have become fluent with the exercise there is a feeling of the entire hand being in tune, each finger knowing exactly where to go in each position, rather than a sense of having to aim each finger in tune one at a time."
Simon Fischer, SCALES, p. 48
No. 4.8: On Wings of Song, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, 2 Violins & Piano
Arrangement for 2 Violins & Piano by Kerstin Wartberg
During our workshop in Mallorca in March 2016, the two Suzuki violin teachers Beatriz Junco (Spain) and Silvia Migliorini (Italy) performed together with the pianist Neil Fellows (England) the beautiful music "On Wings of Song" by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy.
Please listen to them and enjoy the harmonious atmosphere of beauty and peace, which we experienced at this special place during one intensive workshop week.
The music of this piece is published by Edition Peters in the book "Recital Training", vol. 2. HERE you find the Violin and the piano parts and more information:
No. 4.9: Gavotte I and II from Cello Suite No. 6 in D Major, BWV 1012,
Johann Sebastian Bach
HERE: Version for Violin & Piano Piano Arrangement by David Andruss
The piano accompaniment by David Andruss is a fine musical addition to this wonderful work and transforms it into a perfect piece for Suzuki groups.
Here you see Kerstin Wartberg, director of the German Suzuki Institute, with a Suzuki group during a workshop in April 2013 at Weinstadt, near Stuttgart / Germany.
The sheet music of the violin and the piano parts you find HERE.