Let's Practice Together! - Videos / Volume 1A, PART 1: Pre-Twinkle (Edition 2021)

Category: Videos für den Geigenunterricht von Kerstin Wartberg

Kerstin Wartberg

The following 33 short video clips cover the Pre-Twinkle phase for beginning violin students and is divided into 10 steps.

CLICK HERE for the PDF & Audio FILES.
Let s Practice Together!


Video Training

Step No. 1:
Using the Foot Chart

Step No. 2a: Start at 1:51
Holding the Bow / The Swan Exercise

Step No. 2b: Bow Hold Games

Step No. 3: Start at 4:11
Holding the Violin / The Bell Song

TEN Steps to Good Violin Posture
Step No. 4a: Start at 5:17
The First Twinkle Rhythm


Step No. 4b
Spotlight on! Rotating attention on "The First Twinkle Rhythm"
Step No. 5a (First Video)
Music & Movement: All Twinkle Rhythms
Arjada Hasanaj, presenter
Rudolf Gaehler, violin
David Andruss, piano and piano arrangements for all recorded pieces
Kerstin Wartberg, concept and video editing
0:17 First Twinkle Rhythm
0:52 Second Twinkle Rhythm
1:26 Third Twinkle Rhythm
2:02 Fourth Twinkle Rhythm
2:39 Fifth Twinkle Rhythm
3:15 Twinkle Theme

Step No. 5a (Second Video)
Music & Movement: All Twinkle Rhythms - The Question-and-Answer Game
Step No. 5b
Preparation of the 2nd Twinkle Rhythm (see Step No. 8)

The Second Twinkle Rhythm is the most difficult for many children.
It is extremely helpful to watch the Spotlight Video Training No. 8 with your child to prepare.

Step No. 6: Start at 7:16
Two New Songs / The Big Challenge

Step No. 7a: Start at 9:59
Preparing the Left Hand Fingers
Start at 13:23
Preparation Technique and Rhythm with Three Fingers

Step No. 7b
Spotlight on! Rotating attention on "The First Twinkle Variation with Rests, Part A"
Step No. 7c
Spotlight on! Rotating attention on "The First Twinkle Variation with Rests, Part B"

Step No. 7d: Music & Movement
Start at  3:15: Twinkle Theme

Step No. 8
Spotlight on! Rotating attention on "The Second Twinkle Rhythm on E and A"
Step No. 9
Music & Movement: Lightly Row – May Song
0:14 Lightly Row
1:23 Song of the Wind
2:39 Go Tell Aunt Rhody
3:43 O Come, Little Children
5:03 May Song

Step No. 10: Start at 13:23
REVIEW and REFINE: Preparation Technique and Rhythm with Three Fingers

Step No. 10a: First Variation WITH Rests before the Third Finger (Track 29c)

Second Variation WITH Rests before the Third Finger (Track 30c)

Third Variation WITH Rests before the Third Finger (Track 31c)

Fourth Variation WITH Rests before the Third Finger (Track 32c)

Fifth Variation WITH Rests before the Third Finger (Track 33c)


Twinkle Theme WITH Rests before the Third Finger (Track 34c)


CLICK HERE for the PDF & Audio FILES.

Due to copyright restrictions, the following audio files are only streamable.