Let's Practice Together! - Videos / Volume 1A, PART 2: Lightly Row - Allegro (PDF + MP3 Edition 2021)

Category: Videos für den Geigenunterricht von Kerstin Wartberg

Kerstin Wartberg

The following short video clips cover the second part of STEP by STEP, vol. 1A and  Let's Practice Together.

CLICK HERE for the PDF & Audio FILES

of Let's Practice Together, PART 2.
Let s Practice Together!


Video Training
Music & Movement: Lightly Row – May Song
0:14 Lightly Row
1:23 Song of the Wind
2:39 Go Tell Aunt Rhody
3:43 O Come, Little Children
5:03 May Song

The Cuckoo Song - Track 38


Spotlight on! Rotating attention on "Lightly Row"


"Lightly Row" - in slow practice tempo


"Song of the Wind" - in slow practice tempo

The Grasshopper Exercise - Track 44

Fitness for the Fourth Finger - Track 48a 


Snow & Wind, Track 49


Spotlight on! Rotating attention on "Go Tell Aunt Rhody"

"Go Tell Aunt Rhody" - in slow practice tempo

"Oh Come Little Children" - in slow practice tempo


"May Song" - in slow practice tempo


"Long, long Ago" - in slow practice tempo


"Thunderstorm", Track 67 Test 22

CLICK HERE for the PDF & Audio FILES

of Let's Practice Together, PART 2.

Due to copyright restrictions, the following audio files are only streamable.