Category: 4. Technik-Übungen
From "My First Technique Book" (vol. 1) and "My Second Technique Book" (vol. 2)
You can download the piano part and 3 violin parts:
Variations of Vol. 1 = Suzuki Books 1 and 2
Variations of Vol. 2 = Suzuki Books 3 and 4
First practice the theme and each variations with the tracks 1 (slow practice tempo), 2 (medium practice tempo) and 3 (performance tempo).
When you have mastered the individual sections, you can play along with tracks 4 and 5:
the Theme, four Variations of your choice, and the Finale. In the finale you can play the theme or your favorite variation.
The important thing here is to play with lots of fire!
If the piece is played in a group, the Theme should be played by everyone (Tutti).
Thereafter, each player can introduce him- or herself with a Solo Variation.
The Finale should include the Theme together with a Variation or Variations that your teacher thinks will sound good together - real musical fireworks!